CNBC Admits WE ARE SLAVES to the global central banks!

Latest info on the liberation of the world: Drake, Bill Brockbrader, Freedom Reigns et al.

Drake, Bill Brockbrader and Freedomreigns/Wolfspirit radio just released a flood of information related to the liberation of the United States. Use your discernment before asking any questions or writing off this information entirely.  There are a lot of changes coming down the pipe and it is important to stay centered and open minded during this transition.  With freedom comes great responsibility.

Please find links to the audio below.

May 6, 2012 Deatra and Drake

Bill Brockbrade + Eva Moore (New Mass Arrests Info)


[ Commentary]

After listening to many hours of Drake, Brockbrader, Fulford and others I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of what is being attempted here.  Anyone disillusioned with the political system should understand that it is an impossible challenge to make right a system that is inherently corrupt.  This is why the office of the presidency has been unable to manifest any of the changes the American people so desperately clamor for.  This is one of the reasons I think the efforts of Drake et, al. are REAL – because they advocate the solutions coming from INSIDE, not the outside.  The answers are within!

For anyone who understands these issues and is ready to act on them, please understand that YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE and you will be the natural leadership of planet earth going forward.  This should NOT be confused with getting power.

Anyone who is awake to the positive changes taking place has a higher level of responsibility because you are more cognizant of the things that must be done in order to get to the place humanity wants to go!  Start taking steps now to get yourself and your neighbors ready.  It doesn’t take much!  As an example, I’ve included some pictures/descriptions of what I am personally doing.

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