Confirmed: 2012 will be seen as the end of the the US Dollar as we know it

Being human is something one must practice to be good at.  To me part of being human is finding a world view that resonates with your higher self.  For me this manifests in a desire to understand systems, find patterns in the world, and self discovery.  Never would I have imagined 5 years ago the intellectual revolution my mind would undergo as a side effect of asking the simple question, “what is a dollar?”  In many ways, this question has brought me to a new understanding of myself, the planet earth and even reality itself.  Opening my mind to the esoteric world of high finance has taught me so much about political history, world history, the origins of man as well as the nature of commerce, freedom and private property.  In many ways this blog is an honor  to write because I feel that I become a conduit through which important information flows.  Even in my own small way, I believe I am channeling important information into a digestible format so that those who want to learn, can.   Though I get no pleasure out of being right about negative things, I feel I must mention those instances when I can because in the world of conspiracies corroboration, reliability, and fact checking are of utmost importance.

According to Jim Sinclair and Lindsey Graham, the U.S. Dollar is finished.  This mirrors my thoughts from an article written earlier this year entitled, “2012: The Fall of the US Dollar Hegemony,” which cites numerous geopolitical and economic developments signalling the end of the Dollar as the world reserve currency.  Among them being Iran’s decision to trade oil in Gold, Hugo Chavez repatriating his country’s gold, China and Russia’s international currency agreementU.S. financial sanctions on Iran, India and Japananese swap agreements, India and Iran settling in Rupees, and more!  The writing is on the wall, but now we are getting very confident declarations of “the end” by some of the world’s smartest prophets.

Jim Sinclair writes, “The supremacy of the US Dollar is Behind us“:

Dear CIGAs,

Brazil, Russia, India China and South Africa are meeting next week because of the use of SWIFT as a weapon of war. Expect the formation of a competitive SWIFT system in three blocks. The dollar will test .7200 USDX and fail on the third tap.

I have been doubted on many things, much of which has come to fruition. There was a time when $1650 in gold was considered the ludicrous dream of a madman.

2012 is the year that the US dollar will suffer from a significant drop in utilization as the international settlement currency. The utilization of the SWIFT system as a means of making war is the singular greatest mistake dollar managers have ever made.

Lindsey Graham says “2012 is the end of the Dollar”:


2012, Aliens, and a shift in conversation

2012!  End of the world, right?  Or end of the world as we know it?

There are all sorts of theories about the year we call “2012.”  What does it mean?  Why did the Mayans have something (anything!) to say about this date?  Some say it will be armageddon, others say nothing will happen, but more and more those who follow their dots correctly are coming to the conclusion that 2012 has more to do with a shift in consciousness than it has to do with bombs being dropped.  We know that a shift in global awareness will eventually change the physical reality we can touch and feel – but what catalysts could there be to actually preciptate this so-called “shift?”
Certainly the shift in awareness must be broad.  It can’t possibly be about just “one” thing, but if you were to pick one thing that would change the way people think, what would that one thing be?

For me, one of the main things that must be on the list is the widespread acceptance and readiness to deal with the “truth about extraterrestrials.”  There is overwhelming evidence that we (humans) have been in contact with, been visited by, or witness to extraterrestrials, ET space craft, alien technology and much much more.  Even in the mainstream you can find shows like “Ancient Aliens” which posits many of the religious traditions we hold actually are metaphors or symbolic interpretations of extra terrestrial visitors.  On youtube, one can find hundreds of UFO encounter videos and all it takes is one of them to be real for this phenomenon to change your mind.

Could it be true?

YES.  it is true, and in fact this is coming out in the open more and more these days.  Like this article in the Daily Mail, for instance:

Former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, a former US government consultant has claimed.

The 34th President of the United States met the extra terrestrials at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954, according to lecturer and author Timothy Good.

Eisenhower and other FBI officials are said to have organised the showdown with the space creatures by sending out ‘telepathic messages’.

Former US representative HENRY MCELROY JR. even provided taped testimony to this fact:

Recently, Eisenhower’s own great-granddaughter actually blew the whistle on a secret Mar’s colony which she claims she was recruited to work on:

In a public statement, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969), has exposed her attempted recruitment from April 2006 through January 2007 by a secret Mars colony project.

Ms. Eisenhower’s account of her targeting by time travel surveillance and attempted manipulation by trained intelligence agents attached to a Mars colony project were revealed in an interview, and in an extensive written statement at Ms. Eisenhower’s website.

Ki’ Lia, a Stanford-educated artist, futurist and colleague of Ms. Eisenhower, has provided a corroborating first hand witness account of her and Ms. Eisenhower’s attempted recruitment into a secret human survival colony on Mars, available at Ki’ Lia’s website.

Furthermore, you have testimony from the Disclosure project, which has collated the experiences of many former military officials, FAA authorities, or those insiders privvy to secret information.  This happened in 2001 in front of the National Press Club and since then has been an ongoing campaign to shift the ET conversation towards legitimacy.

In 2010 another press event was held where several officials in charge of Nuclear armaments testified that “UFOs” appeared and shut down the facilities completely.  These are people we trust with special security clearances and the ability to launch nuclear weaponry!  Why would they risk their career and name to disclose information like this if it were not true?


In essence, the shift in consciousness must begin with a shift in conversation.  Talk to anyone who will listen!  Do research and prove the case – there is more than enough evidence out there to make a convincing argument.  In fact, this small blog post is just a tiny fraction of the actual information that exists on this topic.  I have known and believed for quite some time that we have been visited, but 2012 is as good a year as any for the real prospect of ET contact among commoners to happen.  The more we talk about ETs, accept their presence, the more likely we are to begin making peaceful exchanges with them.  Knowing that we are not alone ought to be something to celebrate – not be afraid of.  Think of what we could learn, where we could go, and what it would mean for our species here on earth!

Kerry Cassidy/Project Camelot Interviews Ex-Navy Seal Bill Wood

I found this interview not so riveting, but fascinating none the less.  Ex-Navy Seal Bill Wood claims he was recruited into an elite group of Naval officers whose mission was predominantly to help gather intelligence and perform operations that guided Tomahawk missiles to their intended targets between the years 1992-2000.  He claims also that he was court marshaled for disobeying commands after he began to question the ethics of his orders.

I was able to independently confirm what Bill states. It’s a note worth taking; most people do not believe America was at war with Iraq in the years after the Gulf war but before 9/11… The Wikipedia entry on Tomahawk missiles show a very different story:

  • On 3 September 1996, 44 cruise missiles between UGM-109 and B-52 launched AGM-86s, were fired at air defence targets in Southern Iraq.
  • On 16 December 1998, Tomahawk missiles were fired at key Iraqi targets in during Operation Desert Fox.

Bill goes on to describe his alleged involvement with Project Looking Glass, a top secret military project that uses string theory and advanced electromagnetics to show multiple potential realities based on current decisions and events.  The problem Bill was recuited to solve, comes down to the “issue” of 2012 where predicting the future with any kind of certainty becomes impossible – leading to an inevitable event which is beyond even the most elite’s control…That event? According to Mr. Wood; an elevation of consciousness and an ascension in cognitive abilities for human beings to more easily tap into their natural psychic abilities.  This reality, according to Bill, will eventually lead to a reality where illusion, deception and other forms of mind control will be ineffective against the awakened human psyche.  Interesting, nay, fascinating stuff.