Personal feelings on the summer solstice

There is a lot of chatter regarding the summer solstice, including some predictions from various channeled sources and a fair few “timelines” that different forces seem to be tracking.  All this is very interesting and of course every day is significant in the battle against good and evil, so no day should necessarily be more significant than the other but there is no doubt a rising energy, a yearning of sorts that is increasing the synchronicity of events.  Some describe it as a subtle humming in the chest.  In any event,  whether it’s financial, political or esoteric, everyone seems to ‘feel’ something will happen of magnitude, any day now.

I personally don’t have any specific predictions for the solstice event, but there are many voices out there that I’d like to point to that seem to indicate a point in time where the shift in momentum becomes evident to all in the light.  These snippings are taken from my own stumbling around the information highway, and are magnified by the fact that my 26th birthday is tomorrow, on 6. 21. 2012.  Whooo, what could that mean?  At the very least, I’ll be a year older!

Spiritual Significance of Summer Solstice

Benjamin Fulford June 12, 2012 “Meetings set for June 15-20th in attempt to end financial crisis”

There will be a series of both secret and public high-level meetings from June 15 to June 20th aimed at ending the financial crisis that threatens to collapse the Western world’s banking sector, according to multiple sources. The hope is that the G20 meeting set to start on June 18th will lead to a breakthrough.
To help make that possible, the White Dragon Society sent a message to the Committee of 300 proposing the announcement of a campaign, similar in intensity to a world war, aimed at ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction, eliminating disease and otherwise trying to save our wonderful, but ailing planet.
If the committee responds positively and yet the high-level financial blockage continues, then the next level response will be directed at the P2 freemason lodge and the BIS, according to sources involved in the negotiations.

Prince William turns 30 on June, 21, 2012

Benjamin Fulford “Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin” June 7, 2012:

It is not clear, however, if the families that own the US Federal Reserve Board are acting too late and offering too little to prevent a revolution against their secret government. It is also worth mentioning that the Bilderberger meeting that just ended has turned into a media distraction to draw attention away from the real secret meetings that are taking place, like the one planned for June 21st.

The June 21st meeting is due to take place at the Kimball Castle in Colorado and will consist of people like the Bushes who give orders to the flunkies attending the Bilderberger meetings. Previous gatherings there have featured human sacrifice. The following site has good information about this.

Stew Webb calls for arrests at June 21, 2012 Kimball Castle human Sacrifice ritual:

COBRA “The Veil” June 18, 2012:

Solstice of 2012 is the turning point when many things about the Archons and the planetary situation will be decided. Sheliak timewave novelty graph shows a drastic decrease in entropy until June 21st, which indicates this turning point:

Sheldan Nidle June 19, 2012:

Many Beings of a high spiritual nature have come together on your world to create the conditions for first contact and all that is to follow. We are using our technological advantage to promote this plan and to ensure that this pivotal opening move plays out as Heaven so directs. To this end, we are pooling our resources with our co-workers on your planet as the time is now upon us for the next big step forward. The solstice holds many keys to what will now happen!

Montague Keen – June 10, 2012:

You are right, my dear, the space ships are getting closer. They are showing their support for you. It will be good to reunite with your greater family. Look to the solstice for some surprises. Everything is falling into place as promised.

From, reader’s mail June 18, 2012:

Dear Jim,

Thank you for all you do! Your website is an important part of my day. I have been following you for 4 years now and remember back when you gave the date of June 21, 2012. I wondered if it still held some importance?

I have 9 children and have listened to you and tried to get as prepared as I can so again Thank You.

CIGA Brian

Dear Brian,

Has June not been exciting enough so far?


COBRA – “Negotiations Update” June 7, 2012:

1. The leading members of the Cabal that are public figures must publicly announce surrender of the Cabal over the mass media until a certain deadline. The latest date suggested by the Resistance is June 21st (summer solstice). If the Cabal does not do this, the Mass Arrests scenario continues.

2012 and the rebirth of freedom; David Wilcock interviews “Drake”


A phoenix has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again.


Manly P. Hall lays out in his book "The Secret Destiny of America" that the American seal may well have a Phoenix (not an eagle), symbolizing the rebirth of freedom among other Ancient prophecies. In Hall's work, he provides evidence that North America was a prophesized and destined land for this rebirth to take place.

David Wilcock just released a new 3-hour interview with “Drake.  According to David, Drake is one of  a vast network working as a cooperative to bring down the international corporate cabal.  They do not have a leader, they do not have a flag, and not all people involved are “educated.” Drake explains that this shift does not require you to be a rocket scientist or a high-level official to have “credibility.”  Such is the nature of freedom, it applies to ALL.  In Drake’s own words:

A qualified person does not have to be a rocket scientist.  Try finding someone who is so honest it hurts to be around them.  A person who knows the meaning of right and wrong according to their conscience…and who listens to it.  In order to start to turn things around, it will take as many people as possible to stand up in any way they can. Put together groups all over our country at the local level. Get everyone to know each other and look into using your group to put the right kind of people in office.

Who am I to speak and by what authority do I do so?

  • It is each persons constitutional ‘duty’ to remove a repressive government…the present one qualifies.
  • I feel a moral obligation to stop the theft so hungry children in our own country of plenty, can eat.
  • It ain’t doing this for me.
  • It is for my children and grandchildren, because their future hangs in the balance…
  • I feel it is the least I can do for them.
  • As one voice in the wilderness…I CRY FREEDOM…!


This source, David says, is the only source other than himself and Benjamin Fulford to really “come out” on the internet in acknowledgement of a positive faction working AGAINST the New World Order.  Like Fulford has claimed, Drake goes on to say that what will transpire will be legal but VERY dramatic.  So dramatic that everyone listening should be prepared to explain and educate people in the panic that will ensue.

It is also revealed that this plan was so extensive there existed a 5 inch thick document in the 1970’s to brief newcomers on the details.  This, I am assuming, ties in with the Keenan lawsuit (detailed HERE), the new financial order, and a huge number of  banker resignations.  There truly is an acceleration of world events, the likes of which are becoming exponential in both strangeness and magnitude.

I have summarized the meat of the interview, which should pique some listeners interest! I am not claiming any of these as true, only that they were topics in the audio blog:

  • Legal re-declaration of independence by citizens; rebirth of constitutional government
  • Declaring states separate from corporate government, making states operate as individual nations under the constitution
  • The United States has given notice and been liberated internationally from the control of the corporate government ALREADY
  • The bringing down of the international financial cabal, New World Order and Illuminati network
  • Martial Law under this plan will not happen, though some networks will spin it as such
  • Massive arrests involving 1000’s of people will happen within a 72 hour period of time
  • Drake says “1-day window of notification will be given” on the internet prior to green-light for mass arrests
  • NO Chaos.  The plan is to have lawful deconstruction of cabal influence
  • Legal rescinding of all unconstitutional laws and regulations after the date of the 13th amendment – instant freedom to interact as you wish so long as it doesn’t harm another
  • Possible use of FEMA camps to hold criminals
  • There WILL be some economic disruption – prepare accordingly (1-2 month supply of food)
  • Stock up on toilet paper
  • Release of high efficiency energy systems would in a matter of months transform the economy
  • Cabal has lost its power base and ability to pay mercenaries to do its bidding
  • Trillions of dollars sent electronically out of the country after 07-08 financial crisis (In about 7 minutes!!)
  • Clamp down involving all mass-arrests will close air traffic, closing of borders, satellite shut down to prevent electronic financial theft
  • An education channel will be established to inform the public about who the criminals are and how they took over
  • Mass arrest operation will take 72 hours, resulting in a press conference at the White House
  • Mentions new financial system which locks out the financial criminals.  This has been corroborated by Fulford and Jim Sinclair, cataloged here
  • Old funds held within US to pay national debt four times over
  • Golden Age: Drive without gas, no taxes, food replicators
  • Moneyless society; in a society without scarcity of resources the concept of money for trade is useless
  • Tear-down of police state
  • Public education does not work because curriculum is predicated on lies; lies are incompatible with human mind
  • Entire Pentagon (Both positive and negative factions) are now aware of stated plan to take down the cabal
  • Propaganda Media will be included in ultimate judgement of complicity and acquiescence with “the big lie”, dismantling of said institutions to follow

Personal note: before anyone tries to discredit David Wilcock, have the decency to read his book.  I have read and highly recommend reading Source Field Investigations.  It’s crucial material if you want to fill in the blanks for when David speaks and you can’t quite follow. I also recommend watching the movie Thrive afterwards.  If you have ever considered yourself “open-minded,” then test your limits by studying these two bodies of work.  In the case of Thrive, you have no excuse – it is going Free!

National Guard advert for FEMA detention centers

We come in Peace