SaLuSa July 16, 2012: We shall introduce the forgiveness of debt, as it is clearly the only way to enable every country and those individuals worst effected to recover and start anew

Our allies are being bold and you are seeing more evidence of their work to bring out the truth, and to put in action the long overdue plan to clear out the dark Ones. It shall continue and become more widespread, and it is revealing to us who amongst you are still under their influence. It is fear and favour that keeps others under their control, and we are intent on changing such situations. As you are also seeing, political parties from all over the world are revealing their true colours with little compassion or action to deal with the heavy burden being placed upon the people, resulting from the criminal activities within the banks. We shall introduce the forgiveness of debt, as it is clearly the only way to enable every country and those individuals worst effected to recover and start anew. That will come with new technologies and other innovations that will put your feet firmly in the New Age.

The Internet continues to be your best source of information, but people are still taken in by disinformation websites. Dear ones if the information they give does not ring true set it aside, and also if it advocates the use of violence it is certainly not of the Light. Stick to what you have found to be reliable and well tried and tested. In time you will not need as much reliance on the Internet as you do now, as it will not be too long before we can give our own broadcasts. Everything is ready for such advancements, and as usual it is a matter of timing. Your involvement in these matters is important, but if it became a necessity, we would go ahead alone as the changes must soon commence as planned. However, whatever situation comes up it presents no real problem to us, as we allow for all possibilities.

The issues that are presently expressed through religion, will need a complete re-assessment if you are ever to progress. On the one hand you do not necessarily need teachers as all knowledge is within, but because you have not been given the truth it will help to guide you onto the correct path. As it stands you are getting nowhere fast, and still bound by inaccuracies and absolute falsehoods. There are many decent and loving souls within the churches, and their true potential will not be released until they can break away from religious controls. Your time and energy will be better used furthering your own understanding. This is not to infer that all religious teachings are unhelpful, but they are confusing and misleading compared to the truth. You have freewill choice and it will be up to you to decide how your future development proceeds.

We come to you for many reasons and we make a point of informing you that we are all One. We may be from quite different civilisations and in some respects appear different to you, but like you we are experiencing life as you also do for your spiritual evolution. At a higher level there is no difference at all as we come from the same Source, but have simply elected to follow different paths. Like myself as a Sirian, quite a few of the Galactic Federation of Light members are directly linked with you, as you came to Earth from their civilisations to be of service. You will find that “service to others” are the key words once you move out of duality into the higher dimensions. We are One in all we do, not just for the millions upon millions of souls in the Universe, but for all life including the planets, as they also have a high level of consciousness. It is not without reason that you talk of the Earth as Mother Earth, and when you understand her role pay her due respect and gratitude for what she does for you.

There are many subjects that up to know [now] have not been fully explained, as there has to be an appropriate time when your level of consciousness is ready to receive advanced knowledge. It would be no good overloading your brain with material that was too far ahead of your present understanding. Up to now spiritual evolution has come slowly and allowed you through personal experience to integrate it into your understanding. These processes have however been speeded up to hasten your progress towards Ascension. It is because there are those amongst you who have moved ahead, and ready to go much further.

Duality has in some ways sorted out the wheat from the chaff, and we do not mean that in a derogatory way but there is great chasm between those who have advanced themselves, and those who have not. Clearly the time has come for the Ascension of those who are ready, and should no longer be held back. Having the intent to ascend is a start but it must continue with an expanding consciousness. Thus your vibrations are lifted up and as long as your sights are focused on bringing more Light to yourself, you are certain to be one who ascends. That opportunity has been open to every soul, and it is no disgrace if you have not yet reached that point. There is no limit to the time you can take to prepare yourself, and it would not be expected that everyone would reach the same level together. That is where your freewill comes in although you are naturally encouraged to raise your vibrations at every opportunity. As a group your experiences are not complete until the very last soul has returned.

You presently have no way of knowing what a marvellous achievement you have made in having overcome the attention of the dark Ones. They have tried every trick in the book to prevent you ascending and rising up again into the Light. It would be true to say that things were loaded against you, but that was by design and it was known that it would be hard going. However, it was also realised that if you won the battle your gains would be enormous. That Dear Ones is where you stand now, and have achieved a wonderful expansion of consciousness, that will remain with you. Not all ascended Beings have taken the same remarkable path as you have chosen. Now do you see why in your Universe you are looked upon as very special souls. It is not egotistical to accept such adulation, as you are entitled to give yourselves a pat on the back for your achievements.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and would confirm that as slow as events are unfolding they are nevertheless taking off, and will continue to escalate until the momentum proves to be unstoppable. We send our love to you Dear friends and fellow co-workers, because that is what you are.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa via Laura Tyco June 25, 2012

Aquarius Channelings

Dear ones, we are on the verge of great new changes on your world. As guardians and protectors of your planet, the Galactic Federation will closely work with the ones among you who will be welcoming our presence and who have a great understanding of the situation at hand. We have already made a subtle contact with many of you in a position of influence and who are open to spiritual understanding of the unique situation on Earth at the time.

We very much look forward to working with you in a more open manner and without any hindrance. We are very aware of the resistance among you concerning our arrival on your planet. We are aware of the possible fear many would experience at the sight of our mother ships decloaking in your space. We wish to avoid a confrontational situation of course, and have no desire to spread doubt, fear and infighting in your belief where we are concerned.


We have made our presence more and more obvious in the past 60 years in your skies. Many of you are still denying our very existence; however, your scientists are preparing you to the fact that life in outer space is as common as the fish populating your oceans. Life in space is in no way different to life in the ocean. Your governments have done their best to keep you in the dark ages for many years where life in space is concerned. However you now know that water is found on many other planets, you are also told by your science that many planets exist in the universe, and you are also been made aware of the fact that life came from outer space.


Dear ones, as you know there are many words in the universe, many Suns, many Galaxies. Life is abundant and never cesses to continue it expansions. There are many planets and solar systems as old as your own world, and much older. It is not unreasonable now for the layman to comprehend the implications of life on alien planets. We are indeed very near to a mass acceptance of the reality of advanced intelligent life on other worlds.


There is also much talk about “your” world, not being “our” world. These are further attempts for separation between species and beings. For indeed, ultimately are we not all one and part of the same being? I would also like to reassure you on the fact that the species allowed to enter your space are benevolent beings or ascended beings. Ascended beings have the same level of consciousness, knowledge and unconditional love. It is entirely irrelevant to what species an ascended being originates from, as we all originate from our loving Creator, the same and one being. Ascended beings are just one step closer to him than not yet Ascended ones.


Furthermore, many of you have had many, many lives on other worlds, on far away planets, from other galaxies and other dimensions. It is only natural that we are all in fact linked and connected in the ethereal world. It is only natural that the beings who you had relationships with and who you had shared previous lives on other worlds wish to reunite with you all at a time such as this.


Dear friends, my message of today is very simple: we are all related, we are all connected and we are all ultimately love and come from the same One Creator.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, although I am somewhat attached to Sirius and use it in my name for recognition purposes; I also have had many lives on Earth, and on many other worlds. I wish you well and send my unconditional love to you all dear Brothers and Sisters from Earth.


Thank you, SaLuSa

Channeled by Laura Tyco