HSBC to apologize at US Senate money laundering hearing | Reuters

An apology is nice, but an arrest warrant and a perp walk would be much better!

Source: Reuters

HSBC plans to “acknowledge and apologize” for failing to spot and deal with money laundering within the bank during a U.S. Senate panel hearing next week, according to an internal memo sent by its chief executive.

“It is right that we are held accountable and that we take responsibility for fixing what went wrong,” Chief Executive Officer Stuart Gulliver said in a note sent to staff and seen by Reuters.

The U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has been investigating HSBC for months as part of an effort by Congress to probe shadowy money flows. The title of the hearing is “Vulnerabilities to Money Laundering, Drugs, and Terrorist Financing: HSBC Case History.”

The Senate committee will release a list of people they plan to call up later this week.

HSBC spokesman Gareth Hewett declined to comment on the memo, but said the bank plans to “fully cooperate” with any investigations.

The appearance by Europe’s biggest bank at the committee hearing comes about a week after Barclays former chief executive Bob Diamond appeared before a parliamentary inquiry in Britain for its role in fixing the rate at which banks lend to each other.

Reuters originally reported in January that HSBC was under Senate investigation. Reuters subsequently reported in May that the bank has been the subject of an investigation by two U.S. Attorney offices.

HSBC also is under investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Justice Department. Those probes also are examining whether HSBC was vulnerable to illicit funds moving through the bank.

(Reporting by Kelvin Soh; Editing by Michael Flaherty and Ryan Woo)

Nicolas Sarkozy flees to Canada

Source: Mail Online

  • Sarkozy and wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy travelled to Canada seeking refuge with a Canadian billionaire Paul Desmarais

  • Sarkozy allegedly accepted bribes from L’Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt

  • Police swept his Paris mansion and office on Tuesday

By Peter Allen

PUBLISHED: 09:55 EST, 4 July 2012 | UPDATED: 12:31 EST, 4 July 2012

Nicolas Sarkozy knew police would come ‘looking’ for him, close friends of the ex-president have claimed.

As the former French leader and his wife Carla Bruni sought refuge in the home of a Canadian billionaire, it has emerged that the pair fled just hours before his Paris home and office was raided by anti-corruption police.

Although the former president has made no public comment, friends of his were quoted in Le Parisien newspaper as saying: “I know they’ll come looking for me. Nothing will come of it all.”

The couple pictured after meeting Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, only a few days before they took off to CanadaThe couple pictured after meeting Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, only a few days before they took off to Canada

Mr Sarkozy is currently seeking refuge in the Montreal home of 86-year-old Canadian businessman Paul Desmarais.

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David Wilcock update and fantastic synopsis of Gold conspiracy

David Wilcock has added a new update to his dynamic “Green Light” post as new developments take place behind the scenes.   The drama seems to be intensifying, as there have been attempts on people’s lives, and other intimidation factors.  I must say dealing with this underworld can not be an enviable position and The Powers That Be are a conniving, ruthless bunch.

In the update David also addressed his site crashing, which happened right after he released a critical update earlier in the week.  I actually had my own interesting experience with that – I created a post in haste after I saw David’s site was down…As I sat down to write it, the clock read 12:12.  David might find that interesting! Even weirder – That day when I went to the front page of, my post about David’s site being down appeared – then DISAPPEARED!  I refreshed the page several times.  Even went so far as to delete it, then republish it – it seemed like some kind of glitch on the page.  It would just vanish as soon as I scrolled down to the post about DivineCosmos. I even confirmed with other people on different IP addresses that this was the case. Coincidence?

Anyhow – I’ve said it many times before;  Gold has been a critical tool for my enlightenment, serving as the subject (monetary history) through which I have awakened to “The Big Lie,”  and so many other aspects of life on earth.  Gold has such a special role in mankind’s affairs, since money is man’s best method (right now) for facilitating what our species does  and where it will go in the future.   Knowing that this divine right has been highjacked by criminals – David’s work on the history of the “secondary market,” his involvement with Benjamin Fulford, and the whole lawsuit against the “Cabal” is extremely interesting and incredibly ahead of the curve.

Additionally David wrote a brief but coherent history of the occult economy which is a very hush-hush subject for institutional investors who are aware.  It’s not something even close to the majority of people know about, yet this information can be corroborated.  As David describes, for nearly 100 years insiders have utilized a mass of stolen gold to make those privy ridiculously wealthy while also funding the very infrastructure to oppresses the rest of the 99%.  This system utilizes something called collateral accounts, which represents +85% of humanities’ earned wealth, pooled for reasons detailed on David’s blog.

For me and my site which aims to “follow the money,” David’s research and his reports answer so many questions about why and how Humanity’s progress has been stifled.  If you understand the fundamental purpose of Gold in mankind’s evolution, the vast puzzle of financial tyranny is quite obviously now coming into view.

No doubt Wilcock is a polarizing figure even for his “followers.” Even more who are relatively new to this information will find his claims spectacular – some perhaps beyond belief. Unfortunately this often causes newcomers to throw away the rest of the more terrestrial information, simply because the same researcher said some other wild things they couldn’t quite digest.  To this I have 2 main points:

  1. Nobody is 100% accurate on anything.  No matter who is saying what, discernment is ALWAYS in play so why throw the baby out with the bath water?
  2. David talks about some funky stuff, in addition to the very REAL subject of financial tyranny .  ET’s, spirits, synchronicity, dreams, food replicators…If you want to be critical of him, at least have the decency to read his book; Source Field Investigations.  

David’s blog posts are often written to those who are at least semi-familiar with his lectures and other works, so there is a tendency for very different subjects to slip into the gigantic puzzles he builds.  This inevitably throws many people off, but Source Field Investigations is a good foundation upon which to read David’s reports. In it are extensive citations for what amounts to thousands of research points, detailing what he sees as an unfolding of events which will lead to an age 100 X more harmonious than what man have experienced in the last few thousands of years.

At the very least, seekers should expose themselves to the financial tale David tells – it is truly a riveting explanation for “The Big Lie,” which stares us boldly in the face every day:

Raymond Bitar, Full Tilt Poker CEO, Arrested On Charges Of Overseeing $430 Million Ponzi Scheme

Huffington Post

Photo Credit: AP

Won an online poker game and are expecting your money soon? If the game was on, don’t bet on it.

The FBI arrested Raymond Bitar, the CEO of the online gaming site Full Tilt Poker, Monday, on charges he oversaw a $430 million ponzi scheme, according to CNNMoney. Full Tilt owed more than $300 million to online players around the world but only had $60 million in funds to pay off their winnings.

The company allegedly used players’ funds to pay off the sites creditors and owners, according to Businessweek.

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WSJ: French Police Raid Sarkozy’s Home, Offices

Source: Wall Street Journal


PARIS—French police raided the home and offices of former President Nicolas Sarkozy Tuesday as part of a campaign-financing probe involving the heiress to the L’Oréal cosmetics empire, Liliane Bettencourt, people familiar with the matter said.

Police searched the offices in which Mr. Sarkozy settled after leaving the Elysée palace in mid-May, and the Paris apartment of his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, these people said.


Agence France-Presse/Getty ImagesFormer French President Nicolas Sarkozy

A lawyer for Mr. Sarkozy confirmed the police raids. In a statement, lawyer Thierry Herzog said the former president wasn’t present when police arrived early Tuesday because he is on a trip to Canada for family reasons.

Tuesday’s development was widely expected because, one month after the end of his presidential mandate, the 57-year-old Mr. Sarkozy lost the immunity that protected him from prosecution while in office. Following the raids, magistrates may also summon Mr. Sarkozy for questioning.

The judicial developments could complicate Mr. Sarkozy’s plan to step back from politics and return to his corporate law practice.

French prosecutors are looking into allegations that Ms. Bettencourt, France’s richest woman, helped finance Mr. Sarkozy’s victorious 2007 campaign. During the probe, investigators heard Ms. Bettencourt’s former accountant, Claire Thibout, who alleged that the billionaire made numerous cash donations to members of Mr. Sarkozy’s party, Union pour un Mouvement Populaire.

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CNBC Host admits Silver Market manipulated

As has been reported for god-knows-how long by Max Keiser, CFTC, and other precious metals commentators, the Silver market is one of the most manipulated commodities markets in the world.  JP Morgan, long rumored to have a paper short position on Silver larger than the total annual tonnage produced in a year’s time, is now openly manipulating said sector.

Here are some of my articles related to this issue, but first please venture over to Silver Doctor’s for the whole scoop:

CNBC Host States Silver Manipulation is a Fact, NOT a Conspiracy! articles on Silver manipulation, JP Morgan crimes, and the insolvency of the banking sector

SaLuSa, July 2, 2012

SaLuSa, July 2, 2012

The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place. Your rights are such that you have the authority to remove those who have committed acts of treason against you. These are clearly very necessary steps to allow important changes to take place that will move you on to the next phase in the plan. There is no way that the actions can be ignored much longer, and our allies are looking for sources that are keen to cover what is happening. Certainly with an announcement that is intended to set peoples minds at rest, we expect the media to pick up on it. There will soon come a point when the news can no longer be hidden or ignored, and we know that there will be a mixed reception to it. However, we expect President Obama to address the world, to re-assure people that the actions are positive and in everyone’s interests to restore world peace. It will go worldwide and beyond any attempts of the dark Ones to gag it.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light will for a time continue to work in the background, but look for the first opportunity to introduce disclosure. It not only covers our history of working for you and with you, but also the general interest shown in your evolution over a period of thousands of years. However, it will give us the chance to present some of the different civilisations that you are to meet. All will have some link to you if only to have had a hand in your genetic evolution. At a soul level we are all the from the Source, but have travelled different paths according to our choice of experience. Differences between us do therefore exist but we are all evolving like you except that some souls are at higher levels than others.

In leaps and bounds you will quickly find yourselves being elevated to the next stage in your upliftment. Many of you have already been primed for a new way of life, and it will set you up for your return to the higher realms that will come with Ascension. A wonderful fulfilling life awaits you which will seem like heaven after your experiences in duality. You will not only understand how energy comes into your lives, but also how to use to use it for your needs. The emphasis will be put on the different ways it can be used, and not least of all as a means of space travel.

On Earth you spend huge amounts of time travelling around in what we see as antiquated forms of transport, It will no longer be necessary to waste so much time in that way, and you will be gifted with technology that allows for almost instantaneous travel. All are based on the use of free energy which is clean and non-polluting. The dark Ones have already developed some craft of this type, and the technology known to them for a very long time. You have been denied its use so as not to affect the standing of traditional methods of travel, and to ensure they keep their power over other countries.

Your dreams will come true and the most wonderful changes will come with freedom being returned to you. You have become so used to being controlled in virtually everything you do that you have forgotten what it is like to be free. You will get a taste of it before Ascension, but remember that with freedom comes responsibility not to indulge in activities that cause danger or harm to others. With the coming of your higher levels of consciousness, will also come a more compassionate and balanced understanding of how to relate to other souls. It is the desire to be at One with all life that will enable you to take your place amongst those you will be joining. We know that the harshness of the Earths vibrations is not conducive to a peaceful existence, and you are continually challenged to keep calm and in control of your emotions.

You have been tested and tried for millennia of time, often repeating the same lessons many times over. You have proved that you can exist in an advanced civilization, and you are welcomed into the higher realms. You have raised your vibrational levels and it will ensure that you are ready to ascend. Those who are not ready will have no inclination to leave duality, and will by choice continue their experiences at the same level. The paths open to you are clearly defined and you cannot move beyond your station. However, all is continually in a state of change and you will eventually make progress as all souls do.

Let go of your earthly attachments and instead be in readiness to expand your consciousness to take in what will be a new way of life. As you learn more about us and get an opportunity to visit us on our ships, you will see first hand how we live and intermix with other civilizations. All act in service to one another and it is a blessing to be able to do so. The ego’s have been tamed and the needs of self are not put ahead of any others. We are a community in harmony and putting our energies into serving the Supreme Creator. We get great satisfaction from doing so, and do not for one moment think that it restricts our freedom in any way. We love our work and the contribution we make to All That Is helping to uplift all other life forms.

Our lives are full and most satisfying and it is by choice that we serve in our own particular way. It is no more or no less than you would do helping your own brothers and sisters. We are after all one big family who acknowledge the gift of life given us by our Father/Mother God, and have been provided with all that we could possibly need to enjoy our existence. We are also co-creators with God having reached a higher state of being and able to use such powers with complete responsibility. On Earth few really understand the potential powers they have, and do not realize that they are responsible for the way their civilization has evolved. Consequently you also reap what you sow, which is why you have ended up in duality. However, you have found your way out of it and many are now able to take the opportunity to ascend.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you the most happy times that release from duality will bring you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Telegraph: Barclay’s LIBOR scandal could have far reaching consequences for banking system

Source: London Telegraph

Libor scandal: Was Barclays the worst offender?

By James Quinn Last Updated: 9:33PM BST 30/06/2012

As the fate of Barclays chief Bob Diamond hangs in the balance, James Quinn looks at how the Libor scandal could have wide-reaching consequences for the banking industry as a whole.

“We have to get kicked out of the fixings tomorrow,” read the email. “We need a 4.17 fix in 1m. We need a 4.41 fix in 3m.”

The email, from a senior Barclays Capital trader in the bank’s offices in the MetLife building looking down over New York’s Park Avenue, to a trader in the bank’s London offices in Canary Wharf, could have seemed innocuous to the unknowing eye.

But what the American banker was doing was telling his British counterpart exactly where the bank needed the Libor – the London Interbank Offered Rate used to set interest rates for everything from mortgages to complex derivatives – to be fixed.

For one-month Libor – “1m” – it needed it to be low. For three-month Libor – “3m” – it needed to be high.

And so it went on. Three months later, a BarCap trader in London pinged an email to a submitter, one of the bank’s staff responsible for accurately submitting information about interest rates to the British Banking Association (BBA), which then aggregated the data and produced the Libor rates. This time the trader wanted the opposite result to his colleague three months earlier: “Your annoying colleague again… Would love to get a high 1m. Also if poss a low 3m… if poss… thanks.”

Just two instances out of numerous examples found by investigators at the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in London, and their counterparts at the Commodities Future Trading Commission (CFTC) and the Department of Justice (DoJ) in Washington.

Following a four-year investigation, at 1.30pm last Wednesday the sheer scale of Barclays’ role in attempting to fix Libor rates was disclosed with a statement from the bank marked “Barclays Bank PLC settlement with authorities”. The five-paragraph announcement did not go into any detail, other than to disclose that the bank was to pay £290m in fines, the largest ever levied against a bank.

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Operation Omega Phoenix from COBRA

Operation Omega Phoenix

I have contacted my sources and this is what they said:
The infiltration of the Positive Military group has been completely removed. The Positive Military is now ready for action. Also, the Resistance Movement and the Pleiadians are ready to back them up with their support.
However, I did not receive direct confirmation for the Green Light or that the sweep period has already started. If the Positive Military wants to confirm the Green Light or if they want me to distribute any message to the public, they can contact me at .
The Resistance Movement will have its own role in the Event and this is known under the codename Operation Omega Phoenix. This operation has two parts.
The First part of Operation Omega Phoenix has just been declassified and I can speak a little bit about it. At the time of the Event, a certain number of Resistance operatives will emerge from their subterranean bases to the surface. They will be wearing plain civilian clothes and not military uniforms. They will closely monitor the mass arrest process and will help the Positive Military and civil authority in the arrests themselves when necessary. Members of the Cabal that will be arrested by the Resistance operatives will be taken to undisclosed locations and later released into the hands of Positive Military / civil authority. The only exception for this are a few members of the Cabal that have committed crimes beyond this planet in their past and must appear before the Galactic Court. Most of those will be later returned to Earth for humanity to determine their destiny, but a fraction of them will be taken to Galactic Central Sun immediately.
Top people inside the Positive Military have been notified about Operation Omega Phoenix and they fully agree with it.

Greek government hit by fresh resignation as Giorgos Vernicos departs | The Independent

SOURCE: The Independent

A Greek cabinet member has resigned, the latest casualty for the crisis-hit country’s new conservative-led government.

State television reported that Giorgos Vernicos, deputy minister for merchant marine, announced his resignation today.

He did not give a reason for his departure, but the opposition has recently accused him of a conflict of interest.

Yesterday, the designated finance minister resigned due to illness. New Prime Minister Antonis Samaras himself is recovering from a weekend eye operation.