Exclusive discussion with “Cobra” on Gold and it’s place in human history

Cobra Transcript

On the morning of June 15, 2012 I sat down and spoke with COBRA, the author of Portal2012 which alleges to be the official outlet for the resistance movement, a group of freedom fighters working to bring down the international cabal we call “The New World Order.”  In his own words, Cobra explains who the Resistance movement is, and what they have been doing:

Resistance Movement. This is a group of freedom fighters who live in subterranean dwellings in the upper part of Earth’s crust. They have a constant physical contact with underground Pleiadian bases in Himalaya and under Bora-Bora island.  Their official public contact is Cobra.
With assistance from the Confederation, they have cleared all remaining Reptilian forces from this solar system. Shortly after the year 2000 they have also cleared all subterranean Reptilian bases in severe battles. Then they shifted their focus towards clearing most black budget military programs and technologies, which they did successfully.

After that they have placed their agents inside the military and alphabet agencies to help the Positive Military group with their Plan that is coming to fruition now. Main motivation of the Resistance Movement is to help liberate the planet, so they can stop living in caves and move on to more prospective missions elsewhere in the Galaxy.

Watch Below to hear my conversation with COBRA about Gold and its role in bringing down the Cabal:

I became interested in COBRA after hearing the various interviews and information coming out of Drake, Fulford and David Wilcock which dealt with the financial tyranny orchestrated by a vast network of fascist corporate interests. Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock appeared together in December 2011 and discussed with great detail the history of Western finance and how Gold reserves have shifted hands over the years to exert financial control.  It is a spectacular story that is well corroborated and documented in David’s epic work Financial Tyranny

To catch up to speed, listen below:

Cobra also claims to be a Pleiadian incarnated as a human on earth to assist with this transition, as a messenger.  As you’ll hear below, he is tasked with dispensing information from the Resistance Movement’s point of view as they take various actions to guide us as we remove the negative elements of planet earth’s power structure.

This mysterious group and its elusive spokesman require complete anonymity right now, and certainly this mystique has caused the information to garner some controversy around the web.  What piqued my interest most was Cobra’s statements on the future of our monetary system.  Many people will be surprised to hear that the financial conspiracy agenda goes even higher than our terrestrial international banking families.  As Cobra will explain in the interview, Gold is a very important metal in the context of human history for many different reasons.

My interest in geopolitics, and in fact the theme and genesis of The Golden Rule was born out of an interest in money.  Ever since I was a little boy I have been interested in the paper bills we used to buy and sell things – but it wasn’t until 2007 when Ron Paul introduced me to Austrian free market economics and commodity money that I began to take an interest in Gold.  As I learned more about the way economies and commerce worked, I used the old journalist’s edict “Follow the Money” to learn more about who is really in control.  This precipitated my full awakening, which lead to ever more information about the reality we find ourselves in.

I think it’s important for more mainstream listeners who may not be into UFOs, or other so-called fringe topics to hear what Cobra has to say.  It is not impossible to imagine that if Gold has been used to consolidate financial control by the cabal, then Gold could also be used to usurp financial control from the cabal.

Afterall – those who have the gold make the rules!

In fact, many investors believe they are doing just that in an organic way, a prime example being the Max Keiser led campaign to bankrupt JP Morgan by purchasing physical silver and removing it from the banking system.

According to COBRA, there is not only a physical need to seize gold from the cabal, but also energetic properties associated with gold that change the etheric nature of humanity’s commerce.  While this wasn’t discussed in extreme detail, the dark rituals COBRA alludes to might explain why society has diverged into a culture of self-satisfaction and materialism.  COBRA and I agree that the ultimate goal of science and technology is the betterment of humanity, and it is through the process of releasing this gold from its dark controllers that will allow our economic progress to reach a level of spiritual freedom whereby money is not necessary to survive.

Interestingly Richard Russell, author of the famous DOW theory letters, offered these comments to King World News’ Eric King which seemed to touch on human’s seemingly intrinsic lust for Gold:

Gold possesses some properties that are beyond the scope of other investments.  Gold can’t go broke, because gold does not derive its purchasing power from the edict or control of any sovereign power or central bank.  Gold has no counter-parties.  Gold is tangible and is accepted everywhere — in good times or bad.  Gold exists outside the world’s banking system.  Unlike fiat money, gold is wealth on its own.

It’s tangible and not the fantasy-creation of central bankers.  Gold does not need a sponsor or the acceptance of an expert (such as pricing a Picasso painting), because all gold is intrinsically the same.  Gold does not tarnish nor does it degenerate — the gold in your watch may be the same gold that Cleopatra wore around her neck.

The supply of gold, unlike paper money, is limited.  Alchemists have tried for centuries to turn other metals into gold — but have never succeeded.  Gold is a beautiful metal on its own and the lust for gold seems to be built into the DNA of mankind.  If you own ten thousand ounces of gold, you can say that you will ALWAYS be wealthy.

In COBRA’s own words, he outlines what plans exist and the rough outline of how the Resistance Movement is working to break the chains so humanity’s creative power can be unleashed:

New Financial System

Most of this intel comes from sources deep within occult economy and it pertains to the restructuring of the financial system worldwide.
This will happen at the time of the Event and is actually part of the operation.
Day 1
When the critical mass of pressure is exerted upon the Federal Reserve it will be forced to repay debt that it owes to people due to its fraudulent operations. Since Fed does not have money to repay that debt, it will go bankrupt. This will trigger a chain reaction of BIS, IMF, World Bank and all central banks worldwide going bankrupt also.
Extreme volatility in markets will result in a worldwide stock market crash. Stock exchanges will close, including NYSE. All financial instruments such as options and credit default swaps will be zeroed out.
All shadow accounts will be closed and zeroed out. All public bank accounts of the Cabal will be seized. All foreclosures will be frozen, as well as all public and private debt (mortgages, loans, credit card debt).
Day 2-7
Banks will be closed and there will be a lot of uncertainty and confusion. Some businesses will be temporarily closed. Some of those that remain open may accept cash, other will only accept gold or silver coins. Credit cards will not be accepted as the system will go down. There might be moderate problems with distribution chain, it is wise to stock up some food and gasoline.
Revaluation (RV)
After about 1 week from the Event
There might still be light problems in the distribution chain.
New financial system will be introduced. It will be backed up with Yamashita gold. That gold will be stored in locations that are not to be disclosed yet. Yamashita gold will not be traded in open markets. Basket of currencies such as US dollar, Euro, British pound, Swiss franc, Japanese yen and Chinese yuan will form the basis of this new system.
Those banks that did not have strong connections with Federal Reserve and did not go bankrupt will reopen. They will not be allowed to charge interest. All their accounting will be fully transparent to the public. Stock market will not reopen.
Revaluation will take place. It means that the exchange rates between various currencies will change, but not drastically They will reflect more truly the real productivity of nations. Iraqi Dinar will not gain much value, contrary to speculations of many people. Federal Reserve notes, Euro banknotes and other banknotes will be widely accepted, until they are phased out in a few months and new money is printed.
All fair business agreements, contracts and responsibilities worldwide will be kept valid and will be respected. Those business agreements that involve criminal or fraudulent interactions with the Cabal will be cancelled, null and void.
In a few weeks
Multinationals will be obliged to buy back their shares and this will effectively force them to go bankrupt. They will be split and healthy portions of those companies will be nationalized in their own countries.
The existence of Global Settlement funds will be then introduced to the public. Those funds include about  $ 70 trillion from old money patriots connected to the Positive Military, $ 100 trillion from White Dragon Society and Templar groups, $ 120 trillion from Resistance Movement and $ 10 trillion from Saint Germain Trust. Global Settlement funds will also include all money and assets from the Cabal.
Global Settlement funds will be used for many purposes. First, all national, public and private debt will be paid off worldwide. After that, all people will receive restitution for all theft and criminal activity against them by the former Cabal. Then prosperity funds will be released and humanitarian, environmental and new advanced technology projects funded. Part of the money from Saint Germain Trust will go directly to Lightworkers, the rest of it will fund projects connected to the introduction of the First Contact.

[Note] I have recieved some e-mails with questions about COBRA’s moniker.  He explains this below:

What is Cobra?
COBRA is a codename for compression breakthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet. Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet.
The surface is thus subjected to the pressure of Light and dark forces of the Cabal have nowhere to hide. They can not escape via wormholes, stargates or teleportation chambers into space. They can not use space vehicles of any official or secret space program. They can not dig holes and bunkers deep underground and hide there. They can not even hide on lower astral plane anymore.
The ongoing process of compression means that Light will expose everything that is hidden, collectively and individually. When Light from above and Light from below meet right on the surface of the planet, this is the moment of compression breakthrough. That occurrence is called the Event. The Event includes, but is not limited to mass arrests of the Cabal. Rather it is a multidimensional trigger event that starts the process of entering into the long-awaited Golden Age. With darkness removed, humanity will be able to co-create its own future.

ON AIR NOW 9 AM EST: Cobra World Exclusive Interview

The Light Agenda by InLight Radio

Stephen Cook presents the Premiere Episode of The Light Agenda – a special program featuring the Exclusive World First Radio Interview with COBRA of the Portal 2012 blogspot.

Since March 31, when Portal 2012 went live, Cobra has become a strong and sometimes controversial voice within the Lightworker community – organising a series of mass meditations and posting intel to assist the liberation of our planet from the dark.

In this revealing conversation – which uses voice modulation technology to protect Cobra’s identity – Cobra talks about the negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal, the mass arrests, why things have been delayed, “rebooting The Grid”, the world financial system, the Archons, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and nuclear weaponry. It includes intimate revelations about Cobra’s Pleaidian history and teleportation to a starship; Cobra’s intel and knowledge on Ascension, Disclosure, New Technologies, and recent events (the Eclipse and Venus Transit). Cobra also discusses personal Light Agendas and light work motivations.

The Light Agenda is an hour-long chatty, revealing enlightening conversation with those among us who are setting the Light Agenda via their blogs, channelling, broadcasts, opinions, writing and behind-the-scenes intel.A place where Light Minds Think A-Light, The Light Agenda offers a new perspective on 2012. You’ll hear personal stories of other’s light agendas – their knowledge, beliefs, views,  issues, intel and experiences…how they feel about what’s really going on in this special year. Come and meet those serving The Light Agenda!

Radical Shift: The Venus Transit of 2012


Ron Paul’s Bad Dream Speech

US Dollar to be newest cast member on AMC’s “The Walking Dead”

The US Dollar is a zombie. It is amazing how derelict the MSM has been in not alerting americans to the risk they are in. We are in big trouble, especially if there is not drastic and significant plans in place to soften the blow.

12 Opportunities for the Event Horizon

Jim Channon, a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel wrote the following list of 12 break-thru possible in the next decade:

Opportunities on the event horizon

1. Oil companies realize they are liquid transportation companies and start to move fresh water to needy places on the planet.

2. Major engineering companies respond to rising seas and create canals that take the excess water into barren lowlands inside the continents where it is needed.

3. The national military forces of the planet merge to form natural security teams and restore their respective parts of the earth’s forests, plant life, watersheds, wildlife and the biosphere above all that.

4. That schools recognize that content is already available on line and change their courses to life skills, learning based pursuits, and a new partnership with nature.

5. That Universities build upon the science of conscious evolution, a visionary mindset, and life force living intelligence and then structure their experience based curricula to that end.

6. That government decentralizes into bioregions and organizes military units, school kids, fire departments and others to generate food foraging forests in all available sites for complete global food security.

7. That neighborhoods take on a wide variety of energy producing solutions to become fully independent but not totally separate from the power grid.

8. That web-based democracies attend to their regionally based constituents and use the global web intelligence system to optimize local living.

9. That railheads, airports, and warehouses converge to be able to launch global air rescue missions that deliver major emergency living villages to all peoples globally within hours of a disaster.

10. That the global public achieves a clear unifying identity and the pre-emptive political power to defang the nuclear arsenal and its fear based factions while offering alternative product lines for the military industrial complex.

11. That we accept the notion that life is more likely to exist in the galaxy than not and prepare for the real benefits of new connections.

12. That we embrace a new level of profound simplicity and reintroduce creativity as a replacement for things and mindless entertainment.