Silver becomes more precious as a potential cancer treatment

According to an article in New Scientist, Silver is being tested as a potential cancer cure.

The team attached different types of carbene ligands to the silver atoms before incubating varying concentrations of the compound with breast and colon cancer cells for six days.

The silver complexes proved to be as effective as cisplatin in attacking both types of cancer cells. Complexes containing a ligand which had two bonds were more effective than those with a single bond, probably because they are more stable – meaning the compound breaks down more slowly and is active for longer (Dalton Transactions, DOI: 10.1039/C2DT12399A).


Subscribers to holistic health have long held the belief that Silver can be an immune boosting and anti-bacterial compound, often consuming it in a number of ways including breathing it, drinking it, applying it topically, or using it in bandages.  Colloidal Silver is known for boosting the immune system due to unique properties of silver which make it caustic to harmful bacteria but generally inert to the human body.


As we all know Silver is also an industrial metal with a huge number of applications, including use in the manufacture of solar panels, lcd screens, cell phone/computer components, mirrors, photographic film, CCD censors and of course – currency.  Add cancer medication to the list of applications and you can see why some analysts believe Silver will be the next decade’s Apple.